Operator claims removal will see customers buying its high-end package save over £300 compared to similar offerings from Sky and BT
Vodafone UK has abolished line rental charges for all new and upgrading ‘Unlimited Fibre Broadband’ customers.
The mobile operator claimed this is part of a new, transparent and easy to understand home broadband pricing structure, which will see them still receive a home phone line, but not pay monthly rental on it.
Vodafone said its Unlimited Fibre 38 offering, which will see customers save £18 per month on line rental and see existing customers pay £22 per month, is the cheapest in the market versus other major broadband providers.
New customers will pay £25 per month for this, with Vodafone Unlimited Fibre 76 costing £28 per month – a package it says is £349 cheaper during the 18 months in comparison to Sky Fibre Unlimited Pro (76Mbps) and £332 versus BT’s Unlimited Infinity 2 (76Mbps).
“Clearer and simpler”
Vodafone said it is making its broadband pricing clearer and simpler to understand after joint research by Ofcom and the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) in January revealed that some broadband providers are likely to confuse and mislead customers about the true cost of deals.
Under a quarter of people asked by the ASA in the poll correctly identified the total cost per month after their first viewing of an advert.
The mobile operator entered the consumer broadband market in June 2015 with the launch of home broadband and phone services. It offers speeds of up to 76Mbps with the network passing more than 24 million premises.
Vodafone UK commercial director Glafkos Persianis said: “Giving our customers the opportunity to break free from hidden line rental charges is our way of letting them know that we are listening and that we are serious about providing them with the Unlimited Home Broadband experience that they deserve.
“We started our journey into fibre optic home broadband just over a year ago and are delighted to show that we are a truly innovative and customer focused provider. We know our customers depend on us to stay connected, and now we can satisfy their needs both at home and on the go whilst also putting an end to line rental charges.”