Queen’s Speech also revealed commitment to guarantee every household minimum broadband speed of 10Mbps
The Government has announced plans to perform a major overhaul of the UK telecoms sector as part of its new Digital Economy Bill.
As part of the Queen’s Speech, which was read out today (May 18) by Queen Elizabeth II, the Government pledged to introduce a new code that will cut the cost of building new mobile masts, which averages around £100,000 per mast, according to The Mobile Operators Association.
The pledge comes after repeated calls from figures within the industry for help from Westminster to enable operators to rollout mobile infrastructure with more speed and efficiency by cutting red tape.
The Bill, which will be put before Parliament within the next year, will also guarantee UK households access to broadband speeds of at least 10Mbps through the Broadband Universal Service Obligation.
The Queen also revealed that users will have an automatic right to compensation if their broadband service goes down.