Competition between the networks will heat up as more call and data packages are introduced, says Welcomm chairman Chris Stanton, with the ICT market offering a host of opportunities for mobile dealers
“In 2012, many mobile dealers will focus on expanding their services portfolios and looking to new revenue opportunities to increase customers’ overall spend.
“As the networks fight for new business, more competitive call and data packages will be introduced that will have a significant impact on customers’ monthly spend. Voice-only mobiles will become less attractive as customers continue to move over to a voice and data tariff, enticed by attractive offers on smartphones and tablets. The networks must ensure they enhance their data networks and 4G roll-out.
“The ICT market offers huge opportunity for mobile dealers wanting to replace their lost mobile revenue. Dealers wanting to tap into these opportunities will have to develop the necessary skill sets as quickly as possible to take advantage of the potential that will present itself.