The Spaces will be available in 50 stores nationwide this year, with the first being in Islington and Swansea
Three is aiming to help improve the digital skills of the UK population with the launch of its new Discovery Spaces.
The network will have the Discovery Spaces and sessions in 50 stores nationwide, with three standalone Spaces being Islington in London, Swansea and Maidenhead. A further 47 stores won’t have standalone spaces, but in-store Discovery sessions by the end of Q2. Each Space and session allows visitors to learn more about mobile technology. Up to five themed sessions will run each day of the week.
There will be ‘Discovery Partners’ on hand to teach visitors how to use mobile banking apps, Skype call and more. Anyone regardless of age or ability can attend, but must prebook via phone, online or in a participating store. Three has partnered with local charities, community organisations, schools and small businesses to build each session.
Junior Discovery Club sessions will also be ran for children in Islington Swansea and Maidenhead during the school holidays.
The new Discovery programme follows a pilot in in Maidenhead last year. Over 2,400 people attended one of 619 sessions.
Mobile News has contacted Three for more information.