Smartphones will replace traditional pocket notebooks as Vodafone connects South Wales Police and Gwent Police forces to 4G
Vodafone has won a contract to provide South Wales Police and Gwent Police with 5,000 4G connections.
The operator said it will provide smartphones to both forces which will replace the traditional police pocket notebook.
The devices will allow police officers, Community Support Officers (CSOs) and people working in specialist departments to record and share details of crimes, using a police-dedicated app called I-Patrol.
Vodafone UK head of public sector Mick Wayman said: “It’s great to see the South Wales Police and Gwent Police using mobile technology in this way and the projected benefits of rolling this out across the two Forces speak for themselves.
“Our continued investment in our network means we are well placed to provide the infrastructure required to keep police officers across southern Wales better connected. We’re excited to see the impact this technology has in terms of enabling officers on the frontline to provide a more efficient and more effective service to their communities.”
The contract will go live in March this year, with Vodafone claiming it will result in a 10 per cent improvement in the amount of time spent by police out on the streets – equating to an additional 436,000 hours per year.
South Wales Police assistant chief constable Richard Lewis said: “In situations where every second counts, it is vitally important that the technology and services we use are both responsive and reliable, if we are to continue to meet the challenges of 21st century policing.
“Our officers now have more information at their fingertips than has ever been previously possible, and they can access and update this quickly, wherever they may be. We are confident that all our communities will benefit.”