Scotland ranks top for the savviest Sky Mobile users
Sky Mobile customers have collectively saved £174m worth of data since the beginning of lockdown last April.
The MVNO which recently hit the two million customer milestone, revealed that 55 million GBs of data has been saved since April 2020.
Customers have been able to save any unused data with Sky Mobile’s Roll as people have remained at home more.
The rollover allows users to put this data into a piggybank each month and use within up to three years.
And according to Sky Mobile, the average customer has saved 43GBs of data across the UK during lockdown, the equivalent of £136.
Sky Mobile managing director Paul Sweeney said: “Since last April, we’ve seen a 50 per cent increase in our customers saving and sharing data across the Sky Mobile network.
“With many of us saving more data than ever before, it’s important to us that you don’t lose your unused data but instead have the flexibility to roll it over to use at a later date, share with others or redeem against rewards.”
Data share
Customers can opt to share any unused data across accounts, with 11.5 million GBs shared since the lockdown began.
This can allow users to redeem rewards, with Sky vouchers the most popular.
Sky Mobile anticipates this will continue growing this summer as lockdown restrictions lift, with more people sharing data.
When it comes to the most savvy at banking unused data, Scottish users came top with 7.7 million GBs of data being saved, with the value of £24m.