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GSMA Director General Mats Granryd to leave the role after MWC Barcelona 2025

Staff Reporter
June 3, 2024

GSMA director general  Mats Granryd, Director General will depart the role after MWC Barcelona 2025 following nine years in the post, and having twice agreed a contract extension. A successor will be chosen in due course.

Granryd has declined further extensions. He will remain as the DG until the end of March 2025 and then take on a new role of Special Advisor to the Board for the remainder of 2025.

“The GSMA Board will now action a well-established plan of succession and given the calibre of the organisation we expect to attract a highly talented pool of candidates. We will announce the new Director General in a due course” said a GSMA spokesperson.

Granryd joined the GSMA in 2015 although his career in telecoms started much earlier. He’s participated in the roll-out of 3G, 4G and 5G , attended 26 MWC Barcelonas, and witnessed the substantive ways that connectivity changed and continues to change, the way we live, work and interact.

“Highlights from his almost 40 years in the telecoms industry include the roll-out of 2G in India and the roll-out of 4G with significant subscriber growth whilst he was CEO of Tele2; more recently, the digitisation of everything, the still untapped potential of 5G and the advent of AI” said a GSMA statement.

“At the GSMA he gained agreement that mobile would be the first industry to commit to the SDGs, transformed the organisation through COVID, significantly increased the association’s influence and positioned it to lead the way on important industry initiatives like Open Gateway, the Investment Gap, and reducing the gender, coverage and usage gaps”.

Granryd is a founding member of EQUALS, is a member of The B Team, the Mobile Broadband Commission and a Mobile World Capital Board member.

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