South Coast city council to equip ‘civil enforcement officers’ with online GPS tracking app
GPS tracking and lone worker provider Crystal Ball has signed deal with Brighton and Hove City Council to supply council bailiffs with its Mobile Track solution.
The web-based GPS tracking solution monitors and records site visits, with the council able to retrieve real-time reports of the whereabouts of bailiffs and handsets being used by logging on to Crystal Ball’s online platform. The number of licence agreements is currently under discussion with the council.
A new geotagging functionality for Mobile Track is also now available, and captures photographs and signatures with their GPS or LBS location. It provides time and data stamped evidence to support the work the council’s bailiffs carry out, also removing the need to carry additional devices with them on visits. As with the reports, all images are available to view on the Crystal Ball platform.
Crystal Ball managing director Raj Singh said: “We worked closely with Brighton and Hove City Council to develop this new functionality in line with their requirements. Their agents now have the ability to visit and log all activities undertaken on site, and also have the added reassurance of lone worker protection where necessary.
“Our solution is totally unique in the market place, and the introduction of our geotagging feature has only served to strengthen this position. We recently showcased our solutions at the Local Authority Civil Enforcement Forum, and they were favourably received by attendees from both public and private sector organisations.”
Brighton and Hove City Council senior bailiff Barrie Minney said: “We’ve tried and tested several tracking solutions over the past few years, and found them to be either too costly, unreliable, or rejected by the employees using them. Crystal Ball’s Mobile Track and Mobile LWP (Lone Worker Protection) solutions are actively used by our agents on a daily basis, supporting their efforts out in the field.”
Mobile Track is available on both contract and prepay on one-, two- and three-year deals. On contract, it costs from £15, £14 and £13 a month respectively for one to five handsets, with deals with over 250 handsets costing £9.99, £8.99 and £7.99 a month.
Customers can also sign up to the service for £149.99 over a year and £249.98 over two years on prepay. They receive the third year free if they sign up to a two year deal.