Mystery Caller has had a bit too much Christmas cheer and has piled on the pounds so wants a new phone and fitness tracker to go with it. What can our CSRs tell him about wearables?
5: O2
She apologised saying I was her first customer that day and it was taking some time for her computer to load up. Why wasn’t it loaded and fully functional before she began taking calls?
Manner – 1/5
Understanding – 2/5
Knowledge – 2/5
Helpfulness – 0/5
Clarity – 2/5
Overall – 1/5
Total – 8/30
4: Virgin
It was here that the conversation fell down a bit. She’d steered me on to phones but her knowledge fell flat as she went through my options
Manner – 3/5
Understanding – 2/5
Knowledge – 2/5
Helpfulness – 3/5
Clarity – 4/5
Overall – 3/5
Total – 17/30
3: Three
She admitted that she hadn’t had much training about wearables but said that she knew Three sold the Samsung Galaxy Gear and Gear Neo. She said I’d be best off looking online to find out more
Manner – 4/5
Understanding – 2/5
Knowledge – 3/5
Helpfulness – 3/5
Clarity – 3/5
Overall – 3/5
Total – 18/30
2: Vodafone
This is where she earned her extra points as she decided to help give me an idea how much a smart watch would cost
Manner – 5/5
Understanding – 4/5
Knowledge – 3/5
Helpfulness – 4/5
Clarity – 4/5
Overall – 4/5
Total – 24/30
1: EE
Andrew wasn’t pushy and was really polite – offering to call me back to clinch the sale
Manner – 5/5
Understanding – 5/5
Knowledge – 5/5
Helpfulness – 5/5
Clarity – 4/5
Overall – 5/5
Total – 29/30
This was a tough challenge as not all vendors are offering wearables over the phone. The test was what the CSRs did instead.
Julie from O2 did nothing, and she did it in a very brusk manner. which is why she came so far down in the results.
The Virgin rep didn’t do much more either but at least she was polite. Rachel at Three managed to mix politeness with a clever redirect to a store, although her knowledge about wearables was clearly lacking, something she put down to a lack of training.
Sharon put a massive smile on my face by being so happy and friendly. Not only that, she went that extra mile to help, but was let down by Vodafone’s lack of wearables.
Andrew at EE had the best chance to win as he was the only one who could offer a wearable, but he did so with a good amount of information too.
Full article in Mobile News issue 581 (February 2, 2015).
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