Aerial Business Communications MD Paul Davis tells Mobile News his thoughts on what might happen this year, including the strengthening of WiFi and squeezed margins
2017 will bring another year of the industry joining up with customers requiring more technology at the same time as expecting costs to move down and having the onestop shop for all their business communications.
The networks talk about value and this will continue throughout the year with the new regulations of EU calls and data cutting margins. All the networks are trying to find other ways to balance their books. Perhaps with Brexit we will not be part of this regulation though I guess that won’t be the case.
It will be more and more important to become less reliant on the networks for mainstream income as they cut bonuses and commissions as margins are squeezed.
Customers expectations and experiences on 4G are more a way of life often disappointed when 3G is the only alternative. To help improve margins networks are now selling 8,10,15 and beyond megabytes of data hoping to replace the ever decreasing tariffs on voice only.
WiFi will become more dominant in the market as bandwidths throughout the UK continue to improve. New technology such as radio leased lines, a far quicker and cheaper option, opening up more SIP opportunities with the timescale luring closer as ISDN becomes something of the past.