Vodafone has been working with BlackBerry since 1999
Vodafone has extended its partnership with BlackBerry, with the vendor to supply its AtHoc solutions for the operator.
As part of this partnership, Vodafone will be offering BlackBerry AtHoc as its emergency alert and crisis communications solution.
The first customers to benefit from this partnership is Greater Manchester Police, Greater Manchester Fire and Rescue Service. This service will provide real time alerts to customers.
BlackBerry’s AtHoc ensures organisations are able to recover quickly and stay safe during critical events.
Greater Manchester Police and Greater Manchester Fire and Rescue Service will be able to share critical safety and operational information within the organisation and with other businesses in Greater Manchester to ensure the community is protected efficiently.
BlackBerry secure communications Christoph Erdmann said: “The solution can be deployed quickly to enable the most secure real-time information exchange across organizations, their people and devices, so that leaders can make informed and safety-critical decisions in times of crisis.”
Vodafone, which is a BlackBerry Platinum partner currently has its in-house engineers, consultants, architects and desk-based support staff trained to use BlackBerry AtHoc and Spark Suite solutions.
Vodafone UK business director Anne Sheehan added: “It will help customers such as Greater Manchester Police and Fire connect with their frontline staff quickly and securely.”