82 per cent of adults own a smartphone but cost of cover, level of protection and speed of delivery for replacements all major concerns around insurance, according to YouGov and Assurant Solutions
Research from YouGov has found that only a fifth of UK mobile owners have their device insured, according to Assurant Solutions.
The insurance provider found that just 21 per cent of phone owners had their device protected, with another five per cent saying they intend to take out a policy, despite smartphone ownership among adults hitting an all time high of 82 per cent.
In its survey of 2,140 UK adults, YouGov split the types of mobile insurance into three categories: Through home insurers, a bank and network operators.
Overall, cost of insurance was the biggest concern for people considering buying insurance, with 53 per cent citing it as important. It was most important to customers taking out cover with their banks (57 per cent).
Other key concerns were level of cover (45 per cent), speed of delivery of replacements (35 per cent), reputation of insurance provider (30 per cent) and cost of policy excess (29 per cent).
For customers buying insurance through their network provider, it is key to a third that they have a claims helpline provided, compared with just one in four buying from a bank.
Satisfaction levels with those who had taken out a policy were high, Assurant said, with more than 52 per cent “very satisfied” with their last claim processed through an MNO. Just five per cent said they were “very dissatisfied.”
However, of those polled after their claim, four per cent said they had changed network provider due to the outcome of their claim, though just one per cent cancelled their insurance, and almost half (49 per cent) said they felt pleased.