Tesco and giffgaff customers most likely to recommend providers to friends while Vodafone and Virgin Media rank worst out of networks
Customers are more likely to recommend Tesco Mobile and giffgaff to a friend, however people are less likely to recommend friends to join Vodafone or Virgin Mobile.
Vodafone and Virgin Media performed particularly badly when handling complaints and scored below average across a number of satisfaction rankings.
The report found that nine in ten customers in the UK (91 per cent) are satisfied with the mobile phone service that they receive. In contrast only four percent of customers said that they had a reason to complain about their mobile phone service.
Tesco Mobile, giffgaff and EE scored better than the sector average when it came to several measures of service quality.
In terms of the best broadband service, overall eight in ten customers (80 per cent) said they are satisfied, with only 15 per cent having a reason to complain.
In contrast to the mobile phone service, Virgin Media customers are on average more likely to recommend the provider to a friend. Virgin Media are the only provider with above-average customer satisfaction for broadband speeds.
On the other hand TalkTalk customers are less likely to recommend to a friend due to a below average overall satisfaction. Scoring poorly across most customer service measures including; reliability, having more reason to complain and how complaints are handled influenced how TalkTalk performed in the study.
The Ofcom report found Sky and EE are above average when it comes to how complaints are dealt with, as six in ten customers are satisfied with this.
Plusnet customers wait the longest on the phone to customer services lines, waiting nearly eight minutes on average, while EE wait the shortest amount of time at only 48 seconds.
Ofcom consumer group director Lindsey Fussell said:”People often focus on price when they’re choosing a phone or broadband provider. But there are big differences in the customer service offered by providers.”
Fussell added: “We’re encouraging people to look beyond the price and consider customer service too. In such a competitive market, companies simply can’t afford to let their service standards slip. If they don’t up their game, customers can vote with their feet.”