ISP aims to roll out full-fibre broadband to 400 million premises by 2024
Internet Service Provider Trooli plans to roll out full-fibre broadband to 400K premises within two years after securing £67.5m in capital.
The company has secured the funding with the support of the Connecting Europe Broadband Fund (CEBF) team.
The funds will be used to expand the reach of Trooli’s Gigabit-capable network as it increases from more than 100,000 premises today to 170,000 by the end of 2021.
Trooli plans to reach one million premises by 2024.
The company has a growing customer base in Kent, East Sussex, and Berkshire has just launched in East Anglia where its network will start going live this autumn.
Company CFO Ashley Atkins said: “We are committed to growing our network and meeting the need for really fast, reliable internet connections, especially in underserved rural areas.
“Securing this level of funding not only underpins our ambitious growth plans but is also a vote of confidence in Trooli as a business and the product we offer.
“Demand for our full-fibre broadband has been extremely strong over the past year and we expect that to continue into the future.
“Despite us running a small, targeted process, the offer has been many times oversubscribed. This fresh investment clearly demonstrates the banking community shares our vision.”