Unused apps and unopened messages also adding to cluttered smartphones
A recent study carried out by Three has revealed that there’s nearly 600 million uncontacted phone numbers in the UK.
The operator also found that there’s over 400 million unused apps and 300 million unopened messages across 44.4 million smartphone users across the country.
Three commissioned the study of 2,000 UK adults, with the help of OnePoll to analyse unused information on smartphones in the UK.
A key contributor towards the high amount of unused data has been blamed on people failing to delete unused data when transferring content across from old phones when upgrading, with 41 per cent of people guilty of this, say Three.
It comes as smartphones have been labelled the most ‘cluttered’ devices that Brits use, with people aged 18 to 34 the most likely to be stressed by a cluttered smartphone.
Three UK director of marketing Aislinn O’Connor commented: “Smartphones play a huge part in how we manage our lives, from photos and music to contacts, emails and messages. However, as we continue to rely on our devices to help organise ourselves, and storage capacities continue to grow, they are becoming ever more cluttered.
“As many of us upgrade or buy new smartphones during the next few months, it’s the ideal time to optimise your device and feel more organised in life.”
Other findings from the study revealed that more than a third of Brits (37 per cent) have 10 or more unused apps, while it’s estimated that just over a million smartphone users nationally have more than 30 apps on their phones.