Course aims to encourage them to take a career in the industry, while building their professional network, presentation skills and confidence
Three has launched the latest edition of its training programme designed to encourage young people to consider a career in telecoms.
‘Reimagined Learning’ offers university students paid training at Three’s head office in Maidenhead, who then deliver workshops to secondary school children on the job opportunities in the sector.
The three-day course is also designed for students to build their professional network, presentation skills and confidence, with the final training concluding with a final presentation to senior leaders within Three.
Applications are now open for the first edition of 2016, which takes place in March and April. Up to 40 university students and 1,000 GCSE pupils will take place in the programme this year.
The operator trialled the course last year. It saw 346 GCSE students take part, with four out of five saying the course had improved their interest in a career in telecoms.
Three people and customer director Amanda Lambert said: “We need to inspire more young people to consider a career in telecoms and technology. The students taking part have been full of enthusiasm and ideas, demonstrating the benefits they could bring to our business in the future.”