Partnership expected to boost lone worker engagement
Mobile workforce management solutions provider TBS and security company Orbis Protect have partnered to provide the latter’s lone worker protection solution.
Through the partnership, Orbis Protect’s British Standard Institution’s 8484 accredited services will be available to TBS lone workers through an integration with TBS’ app. The accreditation allows Orbis to contact the police in the event of an issue for a lone worker.
If a lone worker requires police assistance Orbis operates a 24/7 alarm response centre, which is accredited to British Standards 5979, meaning an alarm will get a guaranteed police response.
Orbis CTO Shaun Wilcock (pictured) said: “There are all sorts of awful situations that people find themselves in every day. We have people who activate their devices late at night and say ‘I’m alone in a car park, can you stay with me?” And we actually do that.
“This new relationship with TBS is a ground-breaking development for the industry, because it streamlines processes and provides users who work alone without direct supervision with the software to get jobs done more quickly. This has significant bottom line benefits for employers and ultimately helps to keep users safer.”
TBS managing director Jon Poynton said: “Organisations today have a legal duty of care to protect their lone workers and colleagues who work alone. Our partnership with Orbis Protect will offer a smart solution to a long-standing challenge faced by the lone worker protection sector.
“We think this will have far-reaching consequences, by offering users a much easier way to provide details about their location, communicate with members of a support team and ultimately ensure workers’ safety.”