Pangea announced its 100th addition to the Pangea partner programme, launched in May 2016.
Having hit projected targets six months early, Pangea has adjusted its forecasted growth and aims to double this figure in 2018.
Pangea’s recently-appointed sales director Bernie McPhillips told Mobile News: “I see no reason why we couldn’t double the size of our partner channel in 2018.
The market is so vast and the array of partners with a willingness to work with Pangea is unprecedented in my experience.”
Pangea business development manager Terence le Poer Trench confirmed the 100th partner. Pangea’s sales director Bernie McPhillips has attributed reaching the century figure after 18 months as a team effort.
Great achievement
McPhillips said: “It’s just such a nice milestone – 100 within an 18-month period. I think it is a rather great achievement.”
“We’re a much bigger organisation than three years ago. We have a lot more partners to support so we’re looking to increase head-count.”
Staffing numbers are also due to increase from the current 15 as partnership expansion develops.
McPhillips added: “We know there’s an increasing need to support our existing partners so we make sure we keep the ratio of accounts to account managers within reason.”
With plans for a London central head office in the next few months Pangea sees the importance of operating centrally within London.
It also has a strong hold in Scotland: “We’re doing a lot of business in Scotland largely due to my location in Glasgow. We’re likely to open an office there in early 2018.” As Pangea’s strategy and expansion increases the director of sales also said they are a channel only business.
“We’re not just partner-focused, we’re partner-only so there was a deliberate decision made when Pangea was formed.”
McPhillips said: “We help them to win in the IoT marketplace with smart connectivity and IoT solutions so we help our partners position themselves ahead of their competition.
“The best lesson I learned at O2 was the importance of creating eco partnerships. We do everything through partners, we have a partner eco-system and all different forms of partner relationships that form the IOT value chain.
“It’s a system integrated with software developers, software manufacturers and hardware distributors.” As Pangea nears the end of its third year McPhillips added that turnover will be in the multiple of millions.
“Revenue will be several hundred per cent higher than it was last year, we’ll be forecasting a similar 40 per cent growth year-on-year in 2018.”