Unify’s “private cloud” offering includes features such as unified communications, voicemail, CTI and conferencing
Telecommunications distributor Nimans has partnered with cloud services provider Unify to offer its “private cloud” solution to its reseller partners.
The cloud service from Unify is its first private cloud offering and is supported by a data centre from provider Virtual 1. It includes functionality including unified communications, voicemail, computer telephony integration (CTI) and conferencing.
The solution can either be based on-premise, using a business’ own hosted solution partner, or through a dedicated data centre.
“This is an exciting collaboration which in many ways allows resellers to steal a march on their rivals by embracing the next stage in cloud-based communications,” said Nimans head of solutions John McKindland.
“It offers the flexibility of a pay-as-you-use service without traditional CAPEX investment. It’s a full hybrid model; virtualisation based on IT ‘always on’.”