Airtime connector Compare52 has signed an agreement with retailer Laptops Direct that will see the retailer provide SIM-only connectivity for several of the UK’s biggest operators.
The gadget retailer will use Compare52’s airtime widget on its online store to offer customers buying handsets the chance to also take out a SIM-card from EE, O2, Vodafone, Tesco Mobile, BT Mobile and Virgin.
Compare52, which last year struck a deal to offer its widget to Ingram Micro’s reseller partner base, has already signed up
more than 100 partners since November. Its portal sees airtime sales go directly to the operators, while Laptops Direct will receive a connection fee for every sale.
Compare52 CEO Ashley Bailey (pictured) said: “We’re very pleased to work with Laptops Direct, they’re selling a large amount of SIM- free hardware on their website, but the customer leaves without any airtime connected even though it’s enabled for airtime.”
Laptops Direct began selling SIM-free smartphones in February of this year, on top of laptops, tablets and accessories, but its customers will now be given the option to take out a SIM-only deal at the end of their transaction through Compare52’s comparison widget.
Asif Azhar from Laptops Direct added: “After meeting with Compare52 and going through how the technology works and how easily the solution can be plugged into our existing platform, it was an easy decision to make, especially as we’re now able to sell airtime hassle free and earn revenue.”