Retailer angrily refutes allegations of misleading customers on contracts, with MD Damian Cole accusing programme of a ‘personal attack’ against him
Get Connected boss Damian Cole is considering legal action against the BBC after being accused of falsifying customer contracts to earn extra cash.
The mobile phone retailer, which has 68 retail stores across the UK (45 in Wales), appeared on the BBC investigative show X-Ray this month.
The show, which is similar to Watchdog, was investigating complaints from customers, (dating back to 2012) who claimed to have been placed on business rather than consumer contracts against their will and paying higher monthly rental costs than agreed in store.
The investigation centred around connections processed in Get Connected’s Blackwood, Abergavenny, Haverfordwest, and Porthcaw stores.
All claimed to have been unaware they were signing up to business deals and even accused staff of hiding that information by failing to issue a full breakdown of the deal, blaming printing issues.
One customer, Amy Salter from Abergavenny, claimed the member of staff had used made-up and false information to put the deal through as a business deal – later discovering on her bill she was listed as a self-employed “mobile hairdresser”.
Cole (pictured), who founded the firm in 1992, angrily refuted the allegations featured in the show and claims all paperwork was completed and issued correctly.
He also confirmed staff in the targeted stores have already been cleared of any wrongdoing.
“The accusations are an absolute load of rubbish, completely ridiculous and pathetic,” said Cole.“My staff have done nothing wrong.
“We had all the paperwork signed by the customers, each stating they were self-employed.”
“It seems strange for them to claim they were not given paperwork due to various IT issues when all the paperwork has been signed.”
Cole was also fuming over the BBC’s decision to discuss his personal life, by highlighting his love for cars and rally driving – labelling it “irrelevant” and a “personal attack” on his character.
Mobile News contacted BBC Wales series producer Susie Phillips who defended the show. She said: “Our report was based on the complaints of a number of customers who had bought phones from a number of Get Connected shops right across Wales and was not a personal