The government has begun talks with trade and crime bodies following reports the phones were being targeted at prisoners
Tiny mobile phones designed to look like car key fobs could be banned in the UK, as the government enters into discussions with trade and crime bodies.
The National Trading Standards Board (NTSB) has asked retailers to stop selling the products while it decides, together with the Serious Organised Crime Agency and UK government whether sales should be prohibited.
The phones, which feature car manufacturer logos including BMW, Volkswagen and Bentley, are being advertised as the “world’s smallest” and are currently on sale from online retailers eBay and Amazon.
Sellers have described the devices as having components which can be removed to prevent metal detectors being set off by the phone.
The Times reported it saw some were being targeted at prisoners, who are not allowed to own phones, while the UK’s society of motor manufacturers and traders has said the devices are being made without its members’ permission.