Customers can now change operator through sending a text once contract expires
Three UK has partnered up with actress Dame Joan Collins to encourage people to switch to its network as part of a ‘ditch and switch’ campaign.
Three launched the social media campaign on its Instagram, Twitter and Facebook feeds and became the first UK operator to refer to the recent ‘text to switch’ rule introduced yesterday (July 1).
In the light-hearted
advert Dame Joan jokingly refers to her past relationships while
sitting on a yacht in St Tropez.
In the advert she
joked: “I’ve never settled for anyone or anything that didn’t float
my boat… It’s now easier than ever to switch.
“So darling if
they’re not satisfying you, then just… ghost them. So take control
– ditch and switch to Three.”
Three chief marketing
officer Shadi Halliwell said: “We could all do with being a little
more ‘Joan’ and not settling for anything less. And now is the time
to take action – it’s never been easier to switch networks.”
Customers that want to
switch networks can receive the PAC code through a single text
message and can switch networks in just one working day.
As part of these
changes Three has confirmed that it is offering new and upgrading
customers six months half price line rental on its unlimited tariff
until August 22 on a range of handsets, home, tablet and SIM only