Ten dealers, who must buy Nokia SIM-free devices and make O2 mobile and fixed line connections to qualify, will win a ski trip to the Alps in March 2014
Daisy Distribution has launched an incentive for its dealers that will see 10 of them rewarded with a ski trip to the Alps in March.
The promotion, which runs from October 21 until January 24, requires dealers to collect as many points as possible, earned through buying any SIM-free Nokia device and processing O2 new, upgrades and fixed line connections.
At the end of the incentive period, all dealer points will be consolidated, with Daisy splitting them into one of three leagues based on the percentage contribution of each league to the overall points total.
Each league will then be awarded a percentage of the overall incentive places available and winning dealers will be drawn at random from each league.
The final destination is yet to be confirmed, but Daisy said the winners will receive a three-night stay in one of the Alps’ most prestigious ski resorts, with transport, equipment, trip host and all entertainment provided.
Daisy Distribution marketing director Julien Parven (pictured) said: “The incentive encourages all partners to take part thanks to the fair structuring of the competition.Ultimately, the competition is about increasing O2 connections and Nokia device sales. The more connections a partner makes and the more devices they purchase, the more points they will receive and the greater their chance of winning this fantastic prize.”