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Apple could take greater control of used iPhone market next year, CCS Insight predicts

Staff Reporter
October 10, 2023

Apple could next year seize greater control of the used iPhone market as the popularity of refurbished iPhones chips away at sales of the brand-new models according to analysts CCS Insight.

As part of its annualPredictions for 2024 and Beyond’ event CCS Insight reckons, Apple will take direct action to dominate the secondary market in both Europe and the United States.

One of the ways it could do this would be to introduce a “Verified” grading system, aimed at giving buyers full transparency for the devices they purchase and the prices they pay.

By the end of this year, says CCS Insight, more than half of all iPhones in use will be second-hand devices as pre-owned devices and hand-me-downs account for over 50 per cent of the 1.3 billion iPhones still in use.

By the end of this year  more than half of all iPhones in use will be second-hand devices

Another CCS prediction is that Google will fight iOS’s increasing dominance by expanding its hardware, software, and distribution efforts, including entering the second-hand market.

“Google will fight iOS’s increasing dominance by expanding its hardware, software, and distribution efforts”

While Google’s move might risk causing disillusionment among other Android manufacturers, CCS says Google company views it as a necessary step to control its own destiny in the highly competitive tech arena.

And there is bad news for screen repair firms as CCS predicts self-healing displays could be here by 2028. These innovative displays, says CCS, can self-repair minor scratches and dents, This would be done with a special material integrated into the display, which reacts with the air to form a new layer of material, effectively fixing imperfections without human intervention.

“Sself-healing displays could be here by 2028.”

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